Trainings and Webinars
Sign up for classes on our Online Training platform or explore past webinars and trainings on topics about Family Leadership, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adult Involvement, Family-to-Family Support, and Language, Literacy and Social Development.
H&V / FL3 Center Online Adademy
Online Academy Classes

Creating a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Adult to Family Support Program
This curriculum was designed to provide information and training to DHH Adults who provide family support to families with DHH children. It is not intended to replace any other curriculums but to supplement with additional materials. Included are four main topics; Introduction to Deaf/Hard of Hearing Adult to Family Support, The Parent Perspective, Supporting Families and Children in Their Home Community, and The Impact of DHH Adults in Systems. Register Now

Hands & Voices LEAD Course
This course is designed to provide participants with knowledge and resources needed to enhance their development as leaders in the systems serving families with DHH Children. Included in this curriculum are self-study activities covering three different leadership domains; Personal Leadership, Leading Others, and Systems Leadership. Parents, DHH Adults, and Professionals who are interested in enhancing their leadership skills are encouraged to enroll. Register Now

Data Collection 101 To Information Impact
This course is designed to address the needs of parent leaders working in Family-based Organizations (FBOs) to understand the nuances of identifying, tracking/gathering, monitoring, analyzing, and communicating information to support families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). These learning sessions will act as a guidebook to assist family leaders and organizations in their ability to collect relevant data, evaluate their work and report program progress. Register Now
Hands & Voices Basic Training Videos
Supporting Families Without Bias
Supporting Families Without Bias is a vanguard, required training for all new chapter board members, Guide By Your Side Guides, and ASTra Advocates. Providing support to families without bias honors the unique experience that families have, whereas biased manipulation can compromise or destroy the authenticity of the journey for families. This training can also be extremely helpful for professionals and parents working with families even if you’re not part of Hands & Voices.
Presenters: Helen Cotton Leiser and Karen Putz
[ Link to Supporting Families without Bias training video ]
We Are Hands & Voices: Introduction to Programs
We Are Hands & Voices: Introduction to Programs is one of the Hands & Voices basic trainings. It is a requirement of all new chapter board members, Guide By Your Side Guides, and ASTra Advocates. The training covers the overall history, structure and current status of Hands & Voices. It also provides information about our core programs, Guide By Your Side (GBYS), Advocacy Support & Training (ASTra), and Leadership-to-Leadership (L2L). Program values, components, goals, and the how to start a program will be shared.
Presenters: Lisa Kovacs and Terri Patterson
[ Link to We Are H&V: Intro To Programs training video ]
Past Webinars
Effective Facilitation: Build Your Skills
The Community Code of Kindness
Leadership Essentials:
Navigating the Path to Success
The Stepping Stones to Valuing Yourself as a Parent Leader
Building and Fostering Connections Between your FBO and EHDI Programs
Don’t Set It and Forget It!
Mentoring within the EHDI System: Where do you fit?
Measuring the Impact of Family-to-Family Support: Tools and Lessons Learning from a Learning Community11/10/22The Hands & Voices FL3 Center in collaboration with NCHAM’s NTRC hosted a Learning Community (LC) in Summer of 2022. The goal of the LC was to determine the most important domains (e.g., child/family well-being, knowledge, empowerment) of family-to-family support and how to measure those domains through a survey. A survey was created, piloted and tested with 12 LC members (parent leaders and EHDI program staff) within their states. This webinar provides lessons learned in the LC process including the quality improvement methodology used to create and trial a family-to-family support impact survey and discover considerations for how to incorporate this evaluation template into your own program. |
Diverse Family Leaders: Making Progress and Showing You How!(8/11/22)Join the Hands & Voices Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center for a look at how to recruit and empower new family leaders from diverse, cultural backgrounds to become leaders in the systems that serve families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Drawing from their own experience as culturally diverse family leaders, Marbelly Barahona (LA Hands & Voices) and Lydia Hernandez (IL Hands & Voices) will engage attendees in a presentation that will share innovative strategies and creative solutions through different models, to support underrepresented families, as well as support diverse parent leadership development. |
Successful Leadership Transition: You’ve Got This!
Introverts Can Be Great Parent Leaders (12/9/2021)Join the Hands & Voices Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center for a look at up to half of your possible parent leaders. Are they quiet at meetings? Do you wonder if they can engage other parents? Explore the topic of the introvert leader during this session and leave with practical strategies to engage the quiet ones on your EHDI mission. Drawing upon her own experience as an introvert, Sara Kennedy will engage attendees in a presentation where participants will leave with a greater understanding of how to work with parents – and others – who are introverts. |
Choosing Deafness: An Inspirational Story of Love and Leadership from Kenyawith Jackline OduorIn this remarkable story of love, loss, deafness and adoption, Jackie Oduor will share some of her journey as a mother of deaf children, including becoming an adoptive parent who ultimately chose with her heart and…. chose deafness. Jackie shares her emergent journey of becoming a leader, who did not seek leadership, but nonetheless humbly stepped up to serve in a country of need and in her words, “never to despise the small beginnings.” This presentation from our 2020 Virtual Conference will inspire you to do likewise. |
Creating Authentic Partnerships: Parents and Professionals
Family Support: Proof is in the Data
How to Build and Sustain Your Team
Time Management as Self-Care
Eight Reasons to Say Yes to Early Intervention: Supporting Families During the Time of COVID-19
Building Collaborative Relationships for Families(8/27/2020) In order for a system to be effective for a family, one must be able to be familiar and build relationships with various stakeholders. This webinar identifies various systems and how these can influence and/or impact a deaf or hard-of-hearing child’s life, as well as what this mean for their families. The role of collaboration and strategies that can be used is included. Presenters: Djenne-amal Morris and Nancy Hlibok Amann |
Creating an EHDI System that Partners with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults(7/13/2020) Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults are a valuable part of the family journey and the EHDI System. This webinar explores guidelines created by the FL3 Center that states/territories can use to increase meaningful participation of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults in the EHDI System. Presenters: Karen Putz, Stephanie Olson, Heidy Nazario, Darcia Dierking |
The How To of Human Resources at a Non-Profit Without a ‘Human Resources Department’(4/9/2020) Being in a leadership role at a non-profit can stretch us into areas of management that we haven’t yet had much experience. This webinar, the fifth in our Leadership Series, will examine ways to build and sustain diverse teams through recruiting, training, and evaluation. Presenters: Lisa Kovacs and Karen Wisinski |
Understanding your Leadership Style and the Value of Mentoring(12/12/19) This one-hour webinar, the fourth in the Hands & Voices Leadership series, will focus on leadership styles and mentoring. This training will provide examples of leadership styles that will allow the participants to determine their own leadership style as well as insight on those that they work with. The value of mentorship, tips and ideas on how to find diverse mentors from the continuum of parent and DHH Adult perspectives, and how to be a mentor to others will also be discussed. Presenters: Amanda Hvass and Molly Martzke. |
Family Engagement in Systems Leadership(8-8-2019) This one-hour webinar, the third in the Hands & Voices Leadership series, will focus on family engagement in systems leadership through the topics of: family leadership representing diverse family experiences, family leadership in systems from diverse and cultural populations, systems and legislative advocacy. Presenters: Cheryl Deconde Johnson, Rana Ottallah and Lisa Kovacs. |
The Parent Perspective of D/HH Guides, Mentors, and Role Models in the EHDI System(6/26/19) The inclusion of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) adults in the lives of families with children who are D/HH can have a profound impact for everyone involved; child, parent, professionals, and D/HH adults. Families will share their experience in working with D/HH Guides, Mentors, and Role Models in early intervention. An inside look at early intervention from the parent perspective. Presenters: Karen Putz, Amanda McGowan, Veronica Roman |
Building your Skills in Nonprofit and Conflict Management(4/19/19) This webinar will provide an overview of essential elements on nonprofit management - the development and management of funds; strategic planning, delegating and monitoring of goals and objectives; tracking progress; Conflict Management – e will explore the basics of these components and tools that we can use to evaluate and guide our plans and actions. |
Building your Confidence in Leadership and Enhancing your Public Speaking Skills12-13-2018 This is the first of three Webinars brought to you by the Hands & Voices Leadership to Leadership (L2L) Program Hands & Voices believes that Leaders can be developed by enhancing one’s natural ability with skills development through formal and informal learning opportunities. To meet individuals on their journey of Leadership that is unique to serving families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Hands & Voices will be hosting a series of webinars focusing on different components of Leadership. This first webinar will take a closer look at Confidence and Public Speaking. Confidence and Public Speaking go hand in hand in delivering a message or an idea and are integral components of personal leadership and systems level participation. |
An Evidenced-Based Conceptual Framework of Parent-to-Parent Support(11-2-2018) An essential principle that guides family-centered early intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) is that all families should be connected to social and emotional support systems (Moeller et al., 2013). Existing evidence indicates that, for parents with children who are D/HH, parent-to-parent support is a vital service not otherwise provided in our systems of care. This presentation will: (1) describe the evidence-based development, constructs and components of the conceptual framework of parent-to-parent support, and (2) provide an introduction to how Hands & Voices is utilizing the framework in their parent-to-parent support work through the Guide By Your Side Program. This is the first of two webinars on this topic. The second webinar scheduled for January 2019 will include examples of the practical application of the framework in parent-to-parent support programming that includes defining family goals and developing activities that will help families achieve their desired outcomes. Presented by Dr. Shelia Moodie (authors Henderson, Johnson, Moodie) |
Attachment and Trauma in DHH Adopted Children (10/10/18)As both parents and professionals of two Deaf adopted sons, the presenters offer a unique perspective to professionals and parents. The presentation includes information on trauma and how it affects brain development including language, learning and behavior. They also discuss how parent leaders and providers can identify and work with the unique challenges that adoptive families face that result from attachment issues and trauma typically associated with adoption. Providers learn how to develop an effective partnership with families who have adopted deaf children, as well as how to utilize parent to parent support in reaching their goals with the families. Presenters: Jon Bergeron, PhD and Shelly Bergeron |
A Deeper Dive into Family Engagement: Supporting Parents on EHDI Advisory Committees and Learning Communities (9/6/18)This session expands on the topic of family engagement discussed during webinars facilitated by Hands & Voices in 2017. Strategies for how to support parents serving on EHDI Advisory committees and learning communities are shared, including recruitment tips, orientation plans, and meeting contribution ideas. The FL3 document “Tips for Meaningful Participation by Parents and Adults who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Serving in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Systems” was featured. Presenters: Candace Lindow-Davies and Christine Griffin (WA Guide By Your Side/H&V) |
What Families, FBOs and EHdi Programs Want: Findings from a National Needs Assessment (8/2/18)This webinar will expand on the results and next steps of the National Needs Assessment that has recently been completed by the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) for the Hands & Voices FL3 program. The results of this needs assessment will provide input to the H&V FL3 program in providing assistance to families of children who are D/HH, all coordinators of state/territory EHDI programs, and directors of family-based organizations who are contracted with their state/territory EHDI programs. The presentation also includes an overview the assessment methodology; reveal the details of the needs of families, family-based support organizations, and EHDI programs; and discuss next steps. |
An Inside Look at DHH Mentor, Guide, and Role Model Services in EHDI and Beyond (2-9-2018)Mentors, Guides, Role Models--what's the difference? This webinar shows the different service models and definitions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mentors, Guides, and Role Models. Minnesota and Maine share an inside look at their programs and how they serve families through the different models of service. |
Co-Production of Services: Family/Professional Partnerships in EHDI Systems (7/26/17) This presentation will describe the theory of co-production of services (Batalden M, et al. 2015) which encourages collaborative work on healthcare system design. The conversation will move beyond ‘how to get families involved’ to discussing the process in which families co-produce the system’s activities side-by-side with professional partners. Concrete suggestions and examples, along with objective tools and measurements for ensuring successful outcomes in the family/professional partnership dynamic will be shared. Presenters: Janet DesGeorges, Executive Director, and Molly Martzke, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Hands & Voices. |
Fostering Family Engagement and Leadership in EHDI Systems (8/31/17) This session will define and describe the characteristics of family leadership in state based learning communities and EHDI Program Advisory Committees. Additionally, information will be given that identifies tools, including the JCIH Self-Assessment Tool, to encourage and evaluate family engagement and leadership in local EHDI systems. Participants will explore how new family leaders can prepare for their role in upcoming activities and give the seasoned family leader new tools to engage in the EHDI system. Presenter: Candace Lindow-Davies, Director of Outreach, Hands & Voices |
You too? Me too! The Impact of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults on the Parenting Journey (9/29/17)Examine the positive impact that Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH) mentors, guides and role models can have on the families and their children. The journey begins and ends with families but there is so much that Deaf/HH mentors, guides, role models can do to support parents raising confident and happy children. Sharing everyday experiences and expertise from a diverse group of Deaf/HH professionals may reduce parenting stress and increase the joy, hope and expectations that parents may have for their child. |
Past Trainings
Confronting Bias in Collaborative Teams
From a keynote session at the H&V Leadership Conference in 2017.
Collaboration among providers is a crucial component of a child’s success, especially as an increasing number of families are participating in services from multiple programs. However, our individual bias can interfere with our ability to effectively participate in such teams. This presentation will explore othering and group attribution bias. Participants will examine the unique and powerful way these kinds of bias create and maintain unnecessary divisions among professionals, particularly those from different programs or philosophies. Participants will explore why these types of bias are harmful and what individuals can do to confront bias and reduce its impact on professional relationships.
Trainer: Louise Rollins (Maryland/DC Hands & Voices)
[ Listen to Confronting Bias in Collaborative Teams ]
Uniquely Delivering Family to Family Support Within EHDI Systems and Beyond (3/18/18)
Formalized family-to-family support in EHDI systems is well established through organizations such as Hands & Voices (H&V) and other family and professional based organizations.
This interactive workshop will explore the breadth and depth of the types of support that families can benefit from, defining the quality of supports they should experience, and exploring families’ preferences about informational resources they receive. This information will be shared from research and real world life experience of the presenters. The methodology of the delivery of family-to-family support will be explored based on a model developed by Hands & Voices which explores the concentric circles of support, including both passive (e.g. newsletters, fact sheets, websites) to active (e.g. retreats, social media networking, one-to-one and group direct interactions) supports. The pros and cons of virtual family-to-family support via platforms that can provide families access to one another will also be discussed. The practical application of providing support will be explored in the context of: working with challenging and under-involved families; working with culturally diverse families; the impact of Deaf adult participation in family-to-family support; and uniquely providing that support through differing methods.
Other Webinars of interest
Check out the Clerc Center Webcasts regarding language and literacy here: learning-opportunities/webcasts.html
The Clerc Center presents an exciting lineup of free webcasts to address your professional development interests. Our webcasts are a convenient way to meet professional development requirements, as well as supply families with needed resources. Without incurring traveling expenses or workshop fees, individual educators, professionals, and parents can interact with professionals in the field of deaf education from the comfort and convenience of their own office, school location, or home computer. It's also possible for groups of colleagues, teachers, and/or families to view the webcasts from one central location.