Request Technical Assistance (TA)
The Hands & Voices Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center Technical Assistance (TA) model* is designed to respond to the needs of family-based support organizations, including Hands & Voices (H&V) Chapters/Programs, EHDI Program recipients, and family leaders in meeting their family engagement, leadership, and family support program objectives. Training, education, and technical assistance is provided in a variety of formats, including consultations, virtual and in-person events and meetings, and online resources. TA will be provided by Area Technical Assistance Advisors (TAA) as noted on the map below.
Please use this form to submit your request for Technical Assistance:

Hands & Voices/FL3 Center Technical Assistance Advisors
Yellow TAA: Terri Patterson
Orange TAA: Brooke Montgomery
Blue TAA: Lisa Kovacs
Green TAA: Sara Kennedy
What can an Area Technical Assistance Advisor (TAA) do for YOU?
TAAs provide the following and are maintained with adequate time and expertise related to:
- Systems Navigation
- Family Support and Engagement
- Family Leadership Development
- Training and Education
- Evaluation, Data Collection, and QI
- Nonprofit Management
- Facilitating collaborative work with other TA centers and experts
Technical Assistance provided by Hands & Voices Headquarters/FL3 Center
- Basic TA creates, provides, and promotes access to resources about the innovation desired, is typically episodic and shorter-term in nature and seeks changes in attitude.
- Blended TA is a combination of both where understanding and commitment to change is understood but needs to build further depth to accomplish change.
- Intensive TA includes work in systems change and capacity building that requires clarity related to agreement about changes; frequent communication; intensity; integrity; accountability; and duration.

Systems Change
Capacity Building
Increased Knowledge
Increased Access to Information
Changes in Attitude
Individualized TA/T
- One-on-One TA as requested
- Proactive TA – bi-annually
- Targeted TA – programs not meeting their objectives
- Onboarding – New EHDI Coordinators/Family Leaders
Self-Paced TA/T
- H&V/FL3 Online Academy
- DHH Adult-to-Family Support
- LEAD – Leadership Enhancement and Development
- Data Collection 101 to Information Impact
- FL3 Center Recorded Webinars
- Hands & Voices Podcast Series
Peer-to-Peer TA/T
- FL3 Office Hours / IDEA Labs
- Zoom H&V Chapter Skills Flipped Classrooms
- Annual Leadership-to-Leadership Program / Book Club
- Annual Learning Community (in collaboration with ICC)
- ENN EHDI Rounds
Group TA/T
- H&V O.U.R. Children’s Safety Project
- Annual Grantee Meeting (Cohosted with ICC)
- Leadership Webinars
- H&V Leadership Conference
- Circle of Change Training and Certification / Latino Forum
** TA to Canada is not supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UJMC30748-01-00 for Family Leadership In Language And Learning. Support is provided by Hands & Voices Headquarters specifically.
*This model of TA provided by Hands & Voices Headquarters/FL3 Center has been developed to impact the diversity of state/territory systems by adapting and utilizing evidence-based methods in TA as defined in Technical Assistance to Promote Service and System Change (Blase, K. 2009).