Links to Resources about DHH Issues
NOTE: Hands & Voices receives information and requests to post links from other sponsoring organizations that we feel might be of interest to our constituency. These links may not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of Hands & Voices and we rely on our membership to deem what is of value to their own interests.
- AG Bell: A National organization around since 1890
- AG Bell Colorado: The Colorado chapters site
- Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- : A boystown site for parents devoted to newborn hearing screening
- CEID - Center for the Education of the Infant Deaf is a model early intervention program for babies and young children who have hearing impairments and severe speech and language delays
- CID - Central Institute for the Deaf - Missouri School has offered continuing education for professionals who work with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. They offermany resources for teachers, speech-language pathologists, audiologists and early intervention providers
- Captioned Media Program (CMP): Free-loan captioned media; Video/CD_ROM/Internet Streaming
- The Colorado Commission For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Deaf counseling services: Comprehensive psychological and consulting services for Deaf people and their families. (both in person and via VP)
- Deaf Education Graduate Program: Graduates receive a master of science degree and New York State certification (all grades) to teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- The National Cued Speech Association: The National Cued Speech Association champions effective communication, language development and literacy through the use of Cued Speech.
- Gallaudet University - Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center : Working for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Throughout the United States
- The Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (GPOD) is an international collaboration of parent groups dedicated to promoting improved systemic protocols and practices which encourage informed choice and the empowerment of families with a deaf or hard of hearing child throughout the world.
- Hearing Loss Association of America: The Mission of HLAA is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy. Of special interest is their Academy Program which is focused on disseminating a wide range of general knowledge.
- John Tracy Clinic: John Tracy Clinic provides, worldwide and without charge, parent-centered services to young children with a hearing loss offering families hope, guidance and encouragement. *Aqui En Espanol
- The Leadership Institute: for Interpreters (LII), while founded to provide support to leaders in the field of sign language interpreting, is an organization dedicated to promoting understanding and compassion for the variety of perspectives that dominate the field and impact our consumers. For more info please visit
- Listen Foundation: Since 1969, the LISTEN Foundation has been dedicated to teaching children who are hearing-impaired to Listen and Speak.
- The Marion Downs Hearing Center is recognized worldwide for its unique leadership and progressive innovations in the realm of hearing and deafness.
- Meadowood Springs Speech and Hearing Camp offers intensive programming o enhance the communication skills of children with speech and/or hearing limitations in a fun and supportive environment.
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology: Providing technical and professional degree programs as well as specialized access and support services for deaf and hard-of-hearing students since 1968.
Nicaraguan Sign Language Projects - VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: NSLP has openings from time to time for qualified volunteers wishing to work for us both in Nicaragua and in Maine, USA. We prefer volunteers who are sign language fluent (in any sign language) and/or have formal linguistic training. Fluency in either Spanish or English is also desirable. - National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders: NIDCD is one of the Institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the federal focal point for biomedical research.
- Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Library's comprehensive list Deaf and Hard of Hearing Internet Resources
- SEE Center The Signing Exact English Center for the Advancement of Deaf Children is a nonprofit center that promotes the use of SEE and its principles. Parents and professionals will find information on courses, a bulletin board to ask questions, and resources for books and video training materials through its publishing company, Modern Signs Press.
- The American Society for Deaf Children -
- The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) site
- The Boystown National Research Hospital
- Tools for today - Tools for Today and Tomorrow is a program of the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland. The Tools program provides information and support to families of children with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Although geared towards folks in Ohio, there are valuable resources on the site for all.
Deafness and Hard of Hearing Websites
- ASL Access website ( ASL-related and deafness-related links and articles
- ASL Classes for Adults - small, welcoming, online classes
- Baby Hearing .org a free resource to assist parents with promoting optimal development for their children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
- Another Path: A parent site on homeschooling your deaf hard of hearing child.
- An video based resource for learning ASL.
- The Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (CATS) goal is to enhance language, literacy and general world knowledge by providing tools which make text, captions, video, web pages, and multimedia accessible to deaf users, particularly children.
- Cochlear Implant Online - Cochlear Implant Online is an online resource that provides readers with the latest news and commentary on issues related to hearing loss, cochlear implants, and rehabilitation.
- Nice Cued Speech site for parents. Great background and introduction to cued speech. Has links to other sites that provide training and other languages.
- A page with lots of links to more resources.
- Deaf An online store .
- Family Friendly Fun Offers family fun, family life, family health & special needs resources to promote a fun and healthy family life.
- Healthy Hearing: Up-to-the-minute news, information and resources for those interested in hearing, causes and treatment of hearing loss, as well as hearing amplification systems.
- Hearing Pocket: Need a better way for your child to wear a Cochlear Implant Speech Processor? Check out this site.
- Label & Learn: Their goal is to inspire communication between parents, teachers, therapists and children by providing inovative and accessible products that express style, fun and function.
- A useful site since it provides interpreters ( cued and sign ) nationwide. They have a media center for ASL and Cued Speech materials and other links.
- The Listen Up web page: Lots of great links and information
- My Deaf Child - Provides free access to Sign It ASL to parents of deaf and hard-of-hearing children under age three.
- PEPNet: PEPNet provides resources and expertise that enhance educational opportunities for people who are deaf or hard of hearing--including those with co-occurring disabilities. Information such as tipsheets, hearing aid primers, college transition information etc. is available.
- A video for hearing parents with information about teaching Sign Language to young children.
- - This website has a lot of information about children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Most of the information is about helping parents understand their child's deafness and showing them how to help their child succeed. There is a large section on children who are deaf and have other disabilities. The site is also translated into Spanish -
- Read with ASL YouTube channel: Fun videos to help deaf children with reading and help people naturally pick up ASL
- Read with ASL website - Resources for helping deaf children with reading and learning English
- Rule At The School ( - Our unique games, apps and Book Boosters are developed as fun and engaging ways to teach and practice a wide range of self-advocacy skills
- Sign It ASL - New online ASL course taught primarily by well-known Deaf and CODA adults.
- Signing Time Dictionary - Free online dictionary for basic ASL vocabulary for using with babies and children
- Sound for Light - A website that gives a Deaf perspective on relevant topics that affect us as a community.
- Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss is a ‘go-to’ site
for professionals and family members seeking more information about the learning and social issues of children with hearing loss and how to
support the future success of these children. Resources are at no cost,
designed to be easy to understand quickly, and practical to use - Social Security Disability Secrets: This web site provides information about getting through the red tape of the Social Security process for children with special needs.
- We Connect Now: We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
- Why Sign? Exploring the Benefits of Sign Language.
Articles on Deafness Issues
- Article: New Standards Should Help Children in Noisy Classrooms
- Article: Teaching-Exceptional-Children This article describes many concrete and specific actions teachers can take to promote the learning of their students who are deaf or hard of hearing. In addition, the article provides strategies for enhancing the social skills of both hearing students and those with hearing losses as they work together in inclusive classrooms.
Advocacy / Legal web sites
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act : The official site for I.D.E.A.
- Nectac site: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center - supports the implementation of the early childhood provisions of IDEA .
- Wrights Law web site: Parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, up-to-date information about special education law and advocacy for children with disabilities.
If you have any links that you think people could use, please submit them to us and we will publish them on this site.