Hands & Voices Staff
H&V Headquarters/Offices
PO Box 3093
Boulder, CO 80307

Executive Director
Description: Represents Hands & Voices philosophy and mission to the systems that serve families. The Executive Director is responsible for the successful leadership and management of the organization per the strategic direction set by the Board of Directors.
Janet DesGeorges
janet @handsandvoices.org

Director of Chapter Support
Description: Provides support and oversight to all H&V chapters, including start up and provisional support, as well as providing technical assistance and information coordination, both in the US and abroad.
Terri Patterson
chaptersupport @handsandvoices.org

H&V Director of Programs
Description: Provides support and oversight to the GBYS and ASTra programs, including start up support, as well as providing technical assistance and information coordination.
Lisa Kovacs
lisakovacs @handsandvoices.org

Communicator Editor
Description: The Editor reminds chapters of the newspaper deadlines, collects and edits articles and pictures according to the Communicator standards, answers queries about articles and advertising, and works with authors on larger pieces.
Sara Kennedy
editor @handsandvoices.org

Headquarters – Business/Office Manager
Description: bookkeeping; product ordering; national conference registrar; business inquiries.
Jeannene Evenstad
Jeannene @handsandvoices.org

Social Media Manager
Description: The Social Media Manager oversees and manages all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Creates content and builds meaningful connections showcasing Hands & Voices.
Brooke Montgomery
Brooke @handsandvoices.org

Co-Coordinator of D/HH Infusion
Description: Provides technical assistance to H&V Headquarters and chapter level support for ensuring the inclusion of D/HH adults and perspective into the organization. This position also provides training and support for the D/HH Guide program element of the Guide By Your Side Program. (View video introduction)
Elizabeth Shuler-Krause
Elizabeth @handsandvoices.org

Co-Coordinator of D/HH Infusion
Description: Provides technical assistance to H&V Headquarters and chapter level support for ensuring the inclusion of D/HH adults and perspective into the organization. This position also provides training and support for the D/HH Guide program element of the Guide By Your Side Program. (View video introduction)
Emily Burke
Emily @handsandvoices.org

Consultant to Support Diversity and Inclusion Innovations
Description: Supports the work of Hands & Voices to identify, establish, and implement a Plan for Diversity and Inclusion that addresses the inclusion of underrepresented populations.
Rosabel Agbayani
rosabel @handsandvoices.org

Media / Tehnical Director
Description: Oversees and manages the H&V web presence as well as technical aspects of H&V publishing and the H&V database project. Also handles inquiries to and support information regarding H&V Headquarters technical assistance to chapters in these areas.
Joe DesGeorges
webmaster @handsandvoices.org