Communication Considerations


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1. What is (total communication)?

Total Communication (TC) is philosophy of educating children with hearing loss that incorporates all means of communication; formal signs, natural gestures, fingerspelling, body language, listening, lipreading and speech.  Children in TC programs typically wear hearing aids or cochlear implants.  The goal is to optimize language development in whatever way is most effective for the individual child.  Total Communication is truly a philosophy rather than a methodology.  As a result, the implementation of the TC philosophy with one child may look entirely different than its implementation with another child.

2. What issues are at the forefront of (total communication)?

3. What should every parent or professional know about Total Communication?

Where to Find More Information on TC


* Communication Considerations A to Z™ is a series from Hands & Voices that's designed to help families and the professionals working with them access information and further resources to assist them in raising and educating children who are deaf or hard of hearing.  We've recruited some of the best in the business to share their insights on the many diverse considerations that play into communication modes & methods, and so many other variables that are part of informed decision making.  We hope you find the time to read them all!

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