The Reform Movement:
Changes For Deaf Ed Imminent

With excerpts from "A Blueprint for Closing the Gap - Developing a Statewide System of Service Improvements for Students Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing," a report of the Colorado Department of Education, Deaf Education Reform Taskforce.

Editors notes in Italics:

Children who are deaf and hard of hearing have unique communication needs that directly affect their personal development and their educational achievement capability.  Recognition of that fact motivated the first special schools in America for the deaf and hard of hearing during the mid-19th century.  However, after 150+ years of special attention to deaf education, statistics continue to point to the long-standing and well documented problem of deaf and hard of hearing educational underachievement.  Research data shows that change within the current educational system is necessary to improve outcomes for deaf and hard of hearing children.

Every child is entitled to a free and appropriate educational experience. But, in order to realize this goal for students who are deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH), the State of Colorado , and indeed all states , must recognize and accept its obligations and responsibilities as follows:

Contrary to these goals, facts identified by the National Deaf Education Project (Siegel, 2000) show that the target group falls below minimum standards:

Colorado Example:

Other factors in Colorado which contribute to poor achievement of D/HH students include:

Before any other states start feeling smug and superior over the Colorado example, they should ask themselves how much they know about their own D/HH student population.  In reality, Colorado 's statistics are a reflection of how diligently this state has studied the problem, which puts them years ahead of most of the rest of the country.

The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind and the Colorado Department of Education have taken steps to study these issues in order to make recommendations for improvement. From 2000 through 2001, the Colorado Department of Education, Special Education Services Unit collected data from the following sources:

The Colorado Department of Education established a Deaf Education Reform Task Force, which met regularly throughout the 2000-2001 school year. Membership of the Task Force represented special education, regular education, school administration, members of the D/HH community, parents, the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, university training programs, organizations supporting deaf and hard of hearing constituents, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, and the Colorado Department of Education. Consultants from California and Arizona also assisted the Task Force. The Task Force addressed the following missions:

As a result of the evidence researched, collected, analyzed, and discussed, the Task Force made the following recommendations:

  1. Colorado should implement a coordinated statewide regional education system as an educational option that will effectively and efficiently meet the needs of D/HH children.
  2. D/HH students should have access to quality academic and extracurricular programs that are communication-driven. Criteria for establishing these programs should be implemented.
  3. Communication-driven programs serving D/HH students should be subject to on-going assessment to assure full access, student achievement, and high standards.
  4. On-going training, mentoring, and a full spectrum of professional development activities should be implemented statewide to support and improve proficiency for specialty providers, general educators, administrators, and families.
  5. The Colorado Department of Education should collaborate with national and state agencies and higher education programs to recruit, train, and encourage retention of staff providing services to D/HH students.
  6. A system of community and parent education that leads to meaningful involvement that will result in full access and collaboration so that each child will have opportunities to maximize potential and achieve high standards should be implemented.
  7. Colorado should develop and implement a funding system that will provide sufficient resources for a quality education for D/HH children.

The Task Force has developed goals and a timeline for implementation of a statewide regional system of education and support. However, the program should begin with a pilot program in one region. The pilot should be maintained in accordance with the new statewide system and should be coordinated by a regionally-appointed advisory council working with the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. Of utmost importance is that the pilot program reflects the unique characteristics and needs of its region while, at the same time, adhering to the high standards and basic tenants upon which the statewide system is founded.

Specific follow-up activities to implement this plan are identified below:

Current challenges and solutions to meet the needs of D/HH children are summarized below:

Current Challenges

Blueprint for Change

1. Outcomes and Accountability

  • Unsatisfactory outcomes: 75 percent of D/HH students demonstrate unsatisfactory/partially proficient performance on the Colorado Student Assessment Program.
  • Colorado Student Assessment Program assessments begin in the 3 rd grade which is too late to make substantive program changes that will result in positive outcomes for D/HH children.
  • Research shows poor compliance with D/HH statewide accountability assessment.
  • Low expectations of academic and social performance for D/HH students continue.


  • Communication-driven programs will have standards commensurate with hearing peers, provide on-going assessment, and maintain accountability for student achievement.
  • Assessment will include the Colorado Student Assessment Program and other evaluations that include bodies of evidence that consider communication and social and emotional functioning, in addition to academic performance.
  • Community and parent education programs and professional training and development will raise expectations for success and motivate adults to encourage children to maximize their potential.

3. Funding and Resources

  • Existing funding is locally-based and insufficient to meet the needs of D/HH students.
  • Unfair treatment of D/HH children exists from district to district because of inequitable services and resources.


  • The statewide regional education system will provide sufficient resources to fund quality education for D/HH children.
  • A coordinated statewide regional education system will promote practices and support funding that will result in improved performance of students.

4. Access to programs and services

  • D/HH students have limited access to quality academic and extracurricular programs.
  • Programs and services are driven by administrative constraints and a lack of resources rather than the communication needs of students.


  • In an upgraded program for D/HH students, activities are communication-driven, not available-resources driven.
  • A regionalized system will allow children access to any programs that best meet their needs, regardless of school district boundaries.

5. Parent and Community Partnerships

  • Educational systems are not always conducive to equal partnerships between parents and professionals.
  • Under the current system, few opportunities exist for input from the D/HH community.


  • The statewide regional education system will establish parent liaison positions to bridge home-school communication, and to participate in decision-making at the program development level.
  • The statewide regional education system will establish D/HH role model/mentors to work with children, parents, and professionals.

In conclusion, D/HH students are being short-changed by the current educational system, and are ill-prepared to contribute meaningfully to society.  Further, many of the same issues identified in a 1990 report, Statewide Plan for Delivery of Educational Services to Children who are Hearing Impaired/Deaf or Visually Impaired/Blind , remain today (CDE/CSDB, 1990).  The identified number of D/HH children has increased during the past several years due to earlier detection, more accurate reporting, and the increased availability of technology (e.g., computers, digital amplification, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices). More children are in general education classrooms and need appropriate management and support services. There is a prevailing challenge to prescribe, manage, and monitor the educational program for each child. Administrators, educators, other school personnel, parents, and the deaf and hard of hearing students themselves need training regarding the unique needs of children with hearing loss.

The Deaf Education Task Force recommends implementing a pilot program based on its research, findings, analysis and conclusions. This pilot program, which will parallel the proposed statewide program, offers the best opportunities for success for our D/HH children. We owe it to them to close the gap.

Ed. Note: In addition to Colorado , California and New Mexico have convened taskforces to create a vision for reform in their states.