OUR Children’s Safety

Deaf / HH Children at Risk

Who hasn’t heard the stories, especially when they make the national news?  Allegations of sexual abuse at a state school for the deaf or even in a neighborhood school make our stomachs knot with anxiety. It is a terrible reality that children with special needs are three times more likely to be a victim of child abuse or neglect, and when communication is a challenge, it makes this risk all the more horrifying. Would you know what to do if you suspected your own child or a child you know was the victim of child abuse or neglect?

Observing, Understanding, and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect for children who are deaf and hard of hearing are the main areas of focus for a project being jointly undertaken by Dr. Harold Johnson at Michigan State University and Hands & Voices, as we continue our efforts to increase parent and professional education in keeping our children safe from child abuse and neglect.  We are challenging one another to spread the word about this important topic. What started with Parent Guides from the Colorado Chapter in a pilot project has grown into an established safety project with the whole network.

There’s a lot more that we can be doing beyond wringing our hands in frustration.  Below are resources that will be useful to parents in developing skills that will prepare us to share effectively with our own children. But don’t just stop at your own child or student, here are some things that you can do to help others be prepared:

Child Abuse and Neglect: Helping Parents Talk to Children

(reprinted with permission from the National Exchange Club Foundation)

There are two aspects to keep in mind as we begin. The first is helping parents prepare themselves to talk with their children. Many parents are hesitant to talk with their children about child abuse and neglect. Reasons for this vary widely, but include things such as:

It’s helpful to simply acknowledge these anxieties right from the start with parents. Tell them many parents, in the beginning, share these concerns. However, children have been taught about these issues for many years through schools, and community programs and are experience has been that these situations don’t occur. Children will handle this as well as parents do and sometimes maybe even better.

The second aspect is finding the right words. Make it as easy as possible. These tips may help:

  1. Keep it simple. Children don’t need many details. You don’t have to explain details of physical or sexual abuse or neglect. 
  2. If you are relaxed, your child will be relaxed. This can be easier if you pick a relaxed time to talk with them. Maybe over lunch, or while driving in the car or walking to the park. You can begin casually with introductory lines such as:

    • “I read a story in the paper yesterday about a little boy who was hurt at home…”
    • “You are good at looking both ways to cross the street. Another safety rule isabout keeping your body safe….”
    • “Sometimes grown-ups make mistakes, even parents…” (Kids love this one—they connect with the honesty. They see adults make mistakes and break the rules, but grown-ups don’t admit this very often.)
    • “Sometimes grown-ups don’t take care of children the way they should or maybe even hurt them…”
  3. If you feel nervous, tell them. Your child will sense it anyway. Explain that sometimes it’s hard to explain things or some things might feel sad to think about, but are important to talk about.
  4. Include this dialogue in the other “safety” talks you do with children, such as, fire safety, traffic safety, and now, personal safety.
  5. Have the conversations regularly, not necessarily frequently, but regularly. We continually remind our children about crossing the street and not playing with matches, etc. It is ok to remind them to that if anyone ever hurts them or makes them feel uncomfortable, they should tell someone.
  6. Choice of language will assist in making easier for you to say and easier for your child to understand. Some easy phrase could be:
  7. If you are really uncertain about making this about your child, start off by talking about a “what if” regarding a friend, such as “what if someone was touching your friend Shelby’s private parts, what should Shelby do?”
  8. Always give your child options / scenarios of what to do if there is a problem.
  9. If your child has difficulty, remind them to tell their teacher, or a babysitter or a good friend or neighbor. Children name police officers and fire fighters a lot as helpers, but they aren’t readily available.
  10. Always remind them that you will always try your best to make sure they are safe.
  11. Be ready in case your child has something to tell you.

Remember that your child may think your upset with him. You can say things like, “This makes me kind of sad (or mad), but I’m not mad at you. And now I’m glad I know so I can help”,

Other things to remember

Resources that can help

Local Assistance

Every county in every state in the United States has a child protective services agency.  The names may vary, but they are responsible for dealing with child abuse and neglect.  Check your local yellow pages or call one of the organizations below for assistance.  ~


Child Help: 800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453)

National Exchange Club Foundation

Friends National Resource Center

Child Welfare League of America

Hands & Voices is committed to making a difference and being a leader in bringing information and education to ‘our world’ about this important topic.  For more information, contact us at parentadvocate@handsandvoices.org